Alpenföhn Peter VGA Cooler Reviewed

I don’t know that I’d want to try squeezing this behemoth into my HTPC, but it may very well work for people in some situations. Even if you aren’t interested in such a cooler, you owe it to yourself to click through and take a look at the pictures of this cooler. Overall, they seemed pretty impressed with the performance.
The Peter VGA consists of 12 high end 6mm heatpipes,. The total cooling surface is made up by 91 soldered aluminium fins. This thing is freaking huge. Measuring 253.5mm x 100mm x 44mm and weighing a total of +/-650 grams ( cooler alone ). The weight might not look like a concern, but keep in mind that the only point of contact with the videocard is the GPU. The PCB is not stiffened at all.