Offers Social Integration and Video Aggregation

If you consume most of your online movie and TV streams through a browser, then has a service intended to bring all of your streaming services together in one site. aggregates video from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, iTunes and Comcast Xfinity, and ties it all together with a recommendation engine. The recommendation engine is actually what is hoping will set it apart from other video aggregation services. The engine makes suggestions based on what you add to your queue for future viewing, the “Like” and “Dislike” ratings you give to the videos you watch, and based on what your friends like and dislike if you tie in your Facebook or Twitter account. The overall look and feel of the site is already reminiscent of an app, so the inevitable transition to mobile devices and media streamers should go smoothly. entered its private beta primarily as a site for recommending TV shows and movies. With the latest update, however, the startup has redesigned its site to give users the ability to create queues and help people follow TV shows. The goal, CEO Guy Piekarz told us in an interview last week, is to become a sort of “DVR in the cloud.”