Plex App now Available for Google TV
A lot of great things have been released recently from Plex and this is just one more thing. The team over at Plex have released an App for Google TV integrating the great features of Plex into Google TV.
With the new App you can do all the usual thing you can normally do with Plex, streaming media, accessing your content but now from within your Google TV. Have a Google TV? Give it a try and let us know how it works.
Plex are on a role recently, after hearing nothing from them for months in the last week they have released myPlex and new version of the apps. Now Plex have introduced Plex for Google TV, with the app you can do all the usual Plex stuff like streaming media over your network, support for Plex channels and the cloud based myPlex. The big question is who has a Google TV?
I bet if Google were to
I bet if Google were to release the SageTV server software for free for windows and for OEMS to build custom mediaservers with, build in cablecard support, and then release a SageTV client for GoogleTV & Android Devices – GoogleTV would catch on real quick 😉