Review of Popbox 3D/ Comparision to Popbox V8

For those of you in the market for a media player in addition to checking to checking out our Media Player Comparsion Guide should also check out this review of the Popbox 3D from In this hybrid review/comparison Damian over at takes an in depth look at the Popbox 3D highlighting many of the problems with the device and compares them to the Popbox V8 to see how the company improved the design:
It has been over a year since the Popbox 3D was released, and the entire time for better or worse I have had the Popbox 3D in my possession. The main reason why I never did a review when it was first released was because it was an absolutely horrible launch, and I felt is just didn’t warrant the time spent. However, with over a year under its belt many of the issues that plagued the Popbox 3D at launch have been fixed, and given the release of the Popbox V8 I thought it would be a good opportunity to put together a review/comparison to the V8.
For those of you who have either the 3D or the new V8, do you agree or disagree with’s conclusions?