Sling Media Launches SlingPlayer Facebook App

Sling Media seems to have made it their mission to make sure that Slingbox owners can access their television from anywhere in the world on any device imaginable. Now, just to make sure that they haven’t left any stone unturned, Sling has also launched a SlingPlayer for Facebook app. Slingbox SOLO and Slingbox PRO-HD users need to update to the latest firmware, install the new Facebook, and then sign into their accounts and they will be able to control their Slingbox in much the same way they would from the Slingbox website. The only real difference is the addition of a status bar running down the side of the screen for sharing what you are watching for your friends to comment on. Sling is promising that more social integration features are coming. Any suggestions on what Sling ought to add first?
Slingbox has made the act of watching your television from anywhere stupendously easy over the years, and now the company has added yet another way to catch up on Community on the go: now you can watch from your Facebook account.