5 Video and TV Show Recommendation Apps Recommended for You

About a week ago we pointed out an article about Matcha.com, a new content aggregation site that is looking to make its mark by building a social media-infused recommendation engine around its linked content. At the time we noted that Matcha.com’s interface and layout would serve it well for the inevitable transition to mobile app deployment. In the meantime, there are a number of other apps already available to help you get your recommendation fix. The five apps covered in this roundup each offer a different take on how to establish their recommendations and social services to complement your television viewing. If I were a Hulu Plus or Netflix subscribers I would definitely make use of Fanhattan, and I really like the look of Fav.tv’s episode tracking features. Anyone else got a favorite recommendation engine or app worth checking out?
More than 60 percent of viewers watch TV with a computer in their laps or a mobile device in their hands. So why not use those devices to figure out what to watch next? A growing number of apps are being built to provide recommendations for users trying to figure out what to watch on TV and on their mobile devices.
My problem isn’t knowing what
My problem isn’t knowing what to watch next but rather how to find the time to watch what I’ve already recorded. I’ve had Tivos for over a decade and the first thing I do after setting them up is to turn off Tivo’s recommendations. I browse forums such as this, as well as other similar sites, and get recommendations from people with similar tastes as mine. I’ve gotten to where I have to cut shows from my viewing schedule just to make time for things that really matter in life.
We ditched cable TV in our
We ditched cable TV in our house almost 10 years ago so we don’t really watch TV shows until they appear on DVD or Hulu. I think this is why I am drawn to Fav.tv. Figuring out which season of DVDs we need to find at the library or add to our queue next would be easier if we had an easy way of keeping track of which episodes we have watched and which we haven’t. I remember when I was working my way through Battlestar Galactica, which had DVD sets for half a season at a time and one-off DVDs for special TV-movie episodes, I could not keep track of where I had left off and a couple of times ordered the wrong set and at one point even skipped an entire 1/2 a season and spent two episodes scratching my head trying to figure what had happened to the storyline before figuring out my mistake.