A Day in the Life of Tranquil PC

Recently Ian Dixon of The Digital Life Style had a chance to spend the day with the folks over at Tranquil PC, a UK based HTPC system designer and manufacture. Ian has a series of videos he put together of his time over at Trainquil PC.
Some very interesting stuff happening over there, including a HTPC chassis CNC machined out of a solid piece of aluminum. Pretty interesting setup they have going there. So head over to TDL and check out the videos.
Tranquil PC are a Manchester based system designer and manufacture of IT equipment and makers of some excellently quality PCs and Servers. Recently they started using a CNC machine to create the PCs from a single billet of aluminium so i spent a day with them going through the customer process of discussing my requirements, design the case and features, watching as the aluminium is cut and then seeing the final product.