Lenovo Eyeing the Smart TV Market with LeTV

Lenovo, the world’s second largest computer manufacturer, has been getting our attention with HTPCs and HTPC remotes lately. Like many other computer manufacturers, Lenovo has been gradually moving into other markets with products such as LePhone and LePad. Coming up next will be LeTV. The LeTV, or the IdeaTV as it is expected be called in North America, should be available in the first quarter of next year though we can probably expect it to follow the LePhone and LePad precedent and launch first in China. Perhaps by the time it does arrive in North America, it will be bringing along Lenovo’s new LeCloud service.
Lenovo will be pushing out its first smart TV in the first quarter of 2012. The simply-titled LeTV will be an internet-connected display, but outside of that, hardly anything else is being made public. There are no launch regions specified, nor a screen size.