MythTV Frontend for Android released on Market

I noticed an interesting email on the MythTV-Users mailing list today.  Apparently someone (Fredrik) has released an Android app for the MythTV Frontend.  I have not tested this myself and likely won’t because I don’t have an Android device, but for those that do this could be useful for you.  The one big drawback that I see at the moment is that it only supports MythTV version 0.23.  The current version of MythTV is 0.24 with 0.25 scheduled to be released in early April.  I’m sure work will continue on this though to bring it up to date.  Time will tell.


I have yesterday released the first version of my hobby-project, a mythtv
frontend for Android.

It uses protocol version 56 (mythtv 0.23). It still needs some work to be
stable but basic functionality is there and if you treat it nice it works 😉

You can get more info and install it from.

Good luck and have fun!
