Samsung Settles Class-Action Lawsuit Regarding HDTV Failures Dating to 2006

It would seem that the world’s best-selling TV brand just can’t catch a break on the TVs it sells. Even as Samsung is in the midst of spinning off it’s LCD division into a separate company because of declining revenue and incurred losses, the company is accused of using low-quality capacitors in its TVs. Samsung has settled a class-action lawsuit filed in Oklahoma alleging that low quality capacitors used in Samsung TVs manufactured between 2006 and 2008 bulged and leaked, resulting in TVs malfunctioning and failing. Samsung is denying the allegations, but has agreed to reimburse affected consumers up to $300 dollars for repairs or for televisions no longer in service as long as the claimant can provide proof of previous ownership. Samsung has also agreed to provide reapirs for faulty TVs, regardless of warranty status. Although the suit was filed in Oklahoma, the settlement does cover all US customers.
Samsung Electronics America (SEA) issued a noticeThursday that it has agreed to offer free repairs to Oklahoma residents who purchased certain LCD, Plasma, and DLP TVs from the company that have malfunctioned due to capacitor issues.
There were a lot of bad
There were a lot of bad capacitors coming from China at that time. I have repaired many flat panels from the era simply by replacing bulged caps in the internal power supplies (which vendors typically bought from Delta).
That year range surprises me.
That year range surprises me. I would have expected 2003-2006. I remember shopping for computer parts in 2006 and reading about bulging capacitors, and most motherboard manufacturers had models that used better capacitors (and charged more for those models) Samsung should have known about capacitors by 2006.