Simple.TV Now Shipping

The Simple.TV was undoubtedly one of the more intriguing DVR devices to be announced this year. It may have taken awhile, but the Simple.TV is now shipping. Kickstarter pre-orders are receiving the first units, with standard pre-orders coming up next. Like Aereo and the now official Boxee TV, Simple.TV provides DVR capablilites for over-the-air broadcasts and ClearQAM cable channels, with a healthy dose of multi-device streaming tossed in. Attach the Simple.TV to your home network and your antenna or cable jack, and it will stream live TV to an HTML5 enabled browser or Roku box. To turn the Simple.TV into a DVR, simply add some external storage via the USB port. Chip in $50 for a year of the Premier service, or $149 for the lifetime package, and you also get EPG data, expanded recording capablilities, and streaming over the Internet for up to five devices. It sounds like there are still some rough edges to work out, including some issues with the Roku channel and a restriction of one Simple.TV per account, but there is also alot of potential here for those with basic TV needs who desire a DVR.
On Monday, the Simple.TV DVR streamer began shipping. The device differs from other DVRs on the market because it doesn’t actually connect to a TV. Instead, it connects to over-the-air HDTV signals or cable TV and streams the content to iOS devices, HTML-enabled browsers and Roku boxes.