VeraControl @ CES 2015

The biggest news from Vera Control is that we finally have a controller with the new Series 500 Z-Wave+ SoC. In fact, there will eventually be three different models; VeraEdge, VeraPlus, and VeraSecure, with VeraEdge available now and the other two expected to ship early summer.
The $149/£149(doh) VeraEdge is essentially an upgraded VeraLite, but the really interesting model is one step up because it fulfills on the promises made last year to abstract the radios and adds in Zigbee, Bluetooh and 433MHz security device support. VeraSecure takes that one step further adding in cellular support, a siren, microphone and speaker for 2-way communication, and a battery backup – making it the perfect model if you opt for their upcoming security monitoring service. Not that the other models can’t leverage that as well, including the VeraLite, it’s just that they aren’t as tailored for the purpose. No word on pricing for the VeraPlus, VeraSecure, or security monitoring right now.