Samsung UN65JS9000 4K “SUHD” TV reviewed @ HD Guru

I’m not sure I’d settle for anything less than OLED in my next TV, but if you have to save some dosh and need one now – that’s not really an option. That said, Samsung LCD’s do tend to perform well, and have a good set of features, so it shouldn’t hurt to much to “settle” for this “HDR Dazzler”.
Samsung’s 65-inch UN65JS9000 4K Ultra HD LED TV is part of a step-down SUHD series to the company’s flagship JS95000 TVs. It’s part of a series that includes 48- and 55-inch models, and provides a very good overall viewing experience at a much more affordable price than it was selling for a few months ago.
Both the JS9500 and the JS9000 SUHD TV series offer 4K Ultra HD resolution, use Nano-Crystal technology to handle new content produced with a wide color gamut, and accept and display high dynamic range (HDR) metadata, have 10-bit panels, and a 120Hz native refresh rate. The JS9000 Series has a curved screen and a fast octo-core processor, which is a step up from the flat-screen JS8500 series below it.