Strontium Mobile Wi-Fi Cloud?

I don’t get it. Not why a portable Wi-Fi enable storage device would be useful, but why for $70 you have to BYOS[torage] to a device that stands up its own AP (unclear if it can be a client on an existing network) which would potentially take your mobile off a useful network. For that much $ you could get a battery powered travel router (like the D-Link DIR-510L; review coming later this week BTW) that can also expose attached storage to the network, as well as doing other useful things. Unless you have one of those magicly bottomless kit bags, and a wallet to match, I just don’t get it.
Can someone explain it to me?
The Mobile Wi-Fi Cloud isn’t your typical Wi-Fi storage solution. In fact, it doesn’t even have onboard storage, and that’s not really a bad thing either. The Wi-Fi Cloud as we will call it allows the consumer to dictate their storage capacity, by using a combination of SD and USB storage, there are unlimited options for configuring your solution. On the flip side, we have a USB 2.0 input for charging the device and moving data to it while there is a secondary USB port for charging your mobile devices via the 3000mAh internal battery. Wireless connectivity is done over 802.11n allowing five simultaneous streams.