madVR adds to its awesome with HDMI 1.4 3D support

I don’t care what you think. 3D creates a more immersive viewing experience. OK, the glasses aren’t awesome, but frankly the modern ones are light enough that it doesn’t bother me at all. Needing to use a standalone player, or commercial software with all the cruft it brings along for the ride has made it less enticing for me personally. So the news that 3D has been added to madVR is fantastic. Now, it’s not quite ready for primetime, but if you’re feeling adventurous go ahead and give it a go :).
Finally we have 3D playback support for 3D Blu-Rays!!
In addition to madVR v0.90.0 you will also need to use this latest LAV special build:
Please say thank you to nevcairiel for being willing to implement 3D splitting and decoding, even though his personal interest in 3D playback is not very high. FWIW, this LAV build is a test build, not a release build, and it has a few limitations: …
Thank you for saying so.
Thank you for saying so. I don’t care what these stupid blogs say, they keep trying to dictate the narrative that 3D is dead, yet most every major film STILL comes out in 3D.
Also, MadVR……just awesome. Thanks for your work in making sure its a part of Emby Theater.
I’m a huge fan of 3d. I
I’m a huge fan of 3d. I really want to see more passive 4k models. But I seem to be the exception among my friends.
oliverredfox wrote:
I’m a
I’m a huge fan of 3d. I really want to see more passive 4k models. But I seem to be the exception among my friends.
I agree. With a 4K display, passive (and glasses free) 3D makes a lot of sense.
I was against passive
I was against passive glasses until 4K sets. The logic is simple; passive glasses cut the resolution in half both horizontally and vertically. During the HD era, that was a problem, but with 4K sets, half of 4K is 1080p anyway.