HDHR DVR comes to XBoxOne

I’ve never had a reason to regret opting for a PS4 over an Xbox One, but there is now one thing that I really wish that it could do – that the Xbox can now do. Work with the HDHR DVR.
Hopefully, PS4 is next :). If you have an Xbox, head over to the Microsoft store and let us know how it works.
I think the one thing that
I think the one thing that people want from the HDHR DVR pp is the ability to record and play DRMed content. SD seems to be jumping all over the place trying to make their app compatible with platforms that aren’t as desirable to the majority of us instead of concentrating on what’s most important. This is what the contiributors to ther Kickstarter campain were hoping to see. XBox compatibility was not high on the list.
Given that there’s already a
Given that there’s already a UWP Windows 10 app, it was probably pretty minimal effort to get this working on the XBone. I do agree that DRM content is the real value add though, they need that to differentiate v. free options like Myth and NextDVR.
When they get DRM working,
When they get DRM working, it’ll be time to overhaul my win7 setup. It’s getting a bit long in the tooth for some uses.