If you have an HDHomeRun, you need to check out Premium TV.

I am amazed. SiliconDust has done something so fantastic with their new HDHomeRun Premium TV service, that it almost difficult to contain the level of awe. And the best part is that anyone with a modern HDHomeRun tuner can get in on this, 2 minutes at a time, as well because they’ve pushed the channel line up to everyone. Best part, all the premium channels should work exactly like the OTA channels, because the current lineup is DRM free. So you can watch, record, pause, commercial scan, whatever just like you do now with the OTA content. Have I mentioned that I’m amazed? If the current lineup fits your needs, kiss that CableCARD or skipping-restrictive-OTT package (cough, YouTube TV) good bye…
I would love to do this. But of course, Comcast has made it that if I drop the TV from my TV and internet package, my bill actually doesn’t change (it may even go up). That is with HBO. So the antenna on my roof goes unused. Hope this around when they try and raise my bill in a year.