SilconDust announces “HDHomeRun OTA” Live app for Roku

Have a Roku, an over-the-air (OTA) HDHomeRun tuner, and frustration about the inability to use the two together? SD just solved your gripe with the just announced BETA for live TV viewing on the platform. Bad news is that DVR isn’t there yet, but the great news is that they’re working on it. So like many things, a touch of patience will go a long way.
Today, we are excited to announce, after years of requests, the first step in HDHomeRun support for Roku. We need to start out by saying this is very much a Beta product. It does not do many of the things you expect from a traditional HDHomeRun app. And because of that we’ve decided to give it a new name “HDHomeRun OTA Live.”
As you can probably guess from the title, this first app is solely dedicated to Over the Air Live TV viewing. Watch TV, check out the guide, change channels, do all the simple things you expect from a great Live TV app. But for now, we’re holding back DVR until we have it working beautifully. And we are still working on support for HDHomeRun Prime.