Humon, make of the Hex, shuts down…

It’s always disappointing when something neat goes away, and I would definitely classify the Human Hex muscle oxygen sensor in that group. In some ways, it could be a better indicator that heart rate for most of what we use heart rate for; whether running or cycling. Ultimately, I can also see why they weren’t able to make it though. Because heart rate is a $50 (on the high side) sensor, and it’s good enough for most. For those who want more, power is there. Which, depending on how you do it, actually comes in around the same price point as the Hex’s $300…
Dear Humon Athlete,
I’m reaching out with an important update about the future of Humon.
We started Humon in 2015 with the mission of empowering people with the body insights that they need to become their better selves. After years of research and development we released our first product, the Hex, in 2018. In the years that followed we were lucky to count amongst our customers some of the most talented athletes, professional teams, gyms, medical centers and academic researchers in the world. These people were able to leverage the Hex and Humon’s software and algorithms to improve their performance, reduce injury and push the world of research forward. To this day we remain convinced that muscle oxygen is the best metric of exertion that exists.
That said, it is still a new and somewhat misunderstood metric that requires sustained levels of market education to exist. Sadly, Humon will no longer be able to further develop this technology and make muscle oxygen available and understandable to the world.
As of February 13th, 2020 we regrettably have no choice but to shut down most of the Humon service. Our iOS and Android mobile application will no longer be available for new downloads on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, our cloud backend and web platform will be shut down, and our support channels closed. That said, you’ll still continue to be able to use your Hex with your Garmin data field that will remain available to download on the Connect IQ Store.
We understand that this comes as a major disappointment to those of you who do not use Garmin products but it is the necessary path forward today. It is also why we stopped selling the Hex in early January, as we began to realize that this would be the case.
This is not an uncommon story in the world of startups, but it is also how innovations can flourish and end up benefiting millions in the long run. On behalf of the Humon team we wanted to thank you all for you trust, support, and help in bringing this product to market. Together, we’ve written a chapter in the history of muscle oxygen.