Anandtech Reviews Intel NUC10i7FNH

The NVIDIA Shield TV pretty much killed my interest in the Windows x86 DIY HTPC. It just does everything I want it to do, better. But, I can respect that change is hard, and there are still uses cases for a SFF x86 HTPC in the stack. For those, this new NUC from Intel looks pretty nice, but isn’t cost competitive…

Overall, the Frost Canyon NUC10i7FNH is a mixed bag. Given a choice between, say, the Kaby Lake-based Baby Canyon NUC7 and the Coffee Lake-based Bean Canyon NUC8s, it would be a no-brainer to go for the Bean Canyon. However, choosing between Bean Canyon and Frost Canyon is not that straightforward. While Frost Canyon delivers upgrades in many respects, the retrogression in the GPU area may make the Bean Canyon NUC at a lower price point an attractive alternative. In some respects Intel has traded off GPU performance for more CPU performance, and I’m not sure that’s what their NUCs really needed.


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5 years ago

Will have to pry my HTPC from my cold dead hands….

Reply to  Andrew Van Til
5 years ago

The HTPC is essentially my NAS – so all recorded/ripped movies, TV, family pictures, documents are on there.

We also have a bunch of cart racing Steam games that the kids like to play off of it – Could probably do that with the Shield though.

Reply to  Andrew Van Til
5 years ago

You can hear the HTPC hum just a little when there is nothing else on – otherwise no issue. Lights are concealed behind a black metal screen door.

I’ve always thought about getting a NAS – but I’m lazy 🙂