Hubitat 2.3.1

I’m thrilled with how my Hubitat keeps getting better, and today is the perfect e.g. because they released a new update which is awesome. The feature that has me most excited is the “Sticky trigger”, this comes in two flavors, with the net impact in how much easier it is to write rules like “lock the door after 10 min”. Time for some refactoring 🙂
The Hubitat Elevation platform keeps getting better with the release of version 2.3.1, now available to install for all Hubitat Elevation hub owners. Highlights of the release include:
- 25+ Newly compatible devices
- Easier, more helpful getting started process
- Optional Z-Wave radio firmware update
- Import rules from Basic Rules and Simple Automation Rules into Rule Machine
- Sticky triggers added to Rule Machine
Check out the release notes for the complete details on all of the new features, devices and fixes in version 2.3.1