Netflix Takes Serious Hit in Consumer Satisfaction Rankings

Customer satisfaction tracking company, ForeSee, has issued its semiannual report on the top 40 Internet companies. The company with the highest customer satisfaction was Amazon. The company that usually competes with Amazon for that top spot is Netflix, which has slipped down to the middle of the pack after a rocky year of price hikes, abortive attempts to split the […]

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Apple Prepping to Launch 32″ and 37″ Televisions?

Apple TV

In the wake of Steve Jobs’s death and the release of his biography, the Internet started to light up with rumors that Apple was in the process of building a genuine television. Such rumors were not new, so beyond reporting on the intriguing passage from Walter Isaacson’s biography that initially stirred things up, I have been generally reluctant to follow […]

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Pivos AIOS HD Media Player Reviewed


We first caught wind of the Pivos AIOS HD Media Player a few months back, and now it has been taken out for another test spin. Unfortunately, it sounds like the test involved a whole lot of spinning tires. The Pivos Technology Group likes to position the AIOS HD as an HTPC without the PC, but it sounds like even […]

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Some Logitech Revue Units Failing Due to Corrupted Firmware

Logitech Revue

If Santa delivered a Logitech Revue and you’ve been experiencing some trouble getting through the setup procedure, it might be a good idea to check and see if the MAC address begins with 1C6F657. Logitech has disclosed that an indeterminate number of recently manufactured Logitech Revue units shipped out with a corrupted firmware that causes the device to fail to complete […]

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Nintendo Reaffirms Apathy Toward Media Consumption on Wii

The Xbox 360 has been in the news here at Missing Remote quite a bit lately; not because we are avid gamers, but because Microsoft has been heavily investing in the Xbox as a media streamer with their most recent dashboard updates. Don’t expect Nintendo to follow suit with the Wii anytime soon. In a recent interview, Nintendo of America president, Roger […]

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Sony Ends LCD Joint Venture with Samsung

Sony TV

Sony has not been shy about talking about the financial difficulties their storied television business has faced in recent years. The prescription has included a restructuring of the TV arm of the company and a critical reexamination of the various agreements that the company has entered into over the years, many of which have been financially disadvantageous for Sony. The […]

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Streacom FC5 Silent HTPC Chassis

Streacom FC5 Silent HTPC Chassis

The quest for the silent home theater computer (HTPC) is one that almost all enthusiasts have faced and either given up or achieved at some point in their life. The quest for the perfectly silent computer has gone in circles from acoustic dampening the case, to spinning down processor fans, to even using slower hard drives because the decreased speed […]

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Boxee Updated to Version 1.5, Final Version for Desktops

Boxee 1.5

Team Boxee has announced that version 1.5 of Boxee is now available for PC/MAC/Ubuntu and is being tested by Early Access users on the Boxee Box. Unfortunately, Team Boxee is also announcing that Boxee 1.5 for Desktops will be last version released for computers. Going forward, all of Team Boxee’s attention will be devoted to the Boxee Box. As if to […]

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2011 Year in Review

Another year is about to conclude, and I wanted to take the chance to highlight some of our most popular articles throughout the year. Real life sometimes gets in the way of reading the site, so hopefully this will help if you might have missed a certain special review or guide. Feel free to contribute what YOUR favorite article has […]

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