Add-In Review: Recorded TV Manager Part 1


The gang at WeGotServed cues up a Media Center plugin called Recorded TV Manager, designed to give you television episode collectors some ultimate control over your recordings (I doubt you are cablecard users). It’s a pretty in-depth program but there is some more steps to setup than is normal. Head on over for Part 1 of their review.   We […]

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Hands on the iPhone SlingPlayer 1.1


Sling continues evolving and improving their product line. This time up is their latest iPhone app for playback which has made some nice strides such as supporting 16×9, but the software still costs $30, a pretty hefty amount but worth it if you’re an iPhone owner and frequent sling-er.   Zatz Not Funny Also new with v1.1 is true DISH […]

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California Could Ban Big TVs in Next 2 Months

If I could afford or fit one in my apartment, this might bother me a lot more. But still, this is one of those ridiculous things since it doesn’t prevent anyone from buying a television out of state, just means that California loses on the sales tax, and it makes life that much more difficult for the consumer to be […]

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This is the wrong way to install a TV


This was just too funny not to post. It’s unclear when this actual installation was done, but I only hope that it was a long time ago before flat panels were affordable. Or maybe they just really wanted to have some fun cutting out a large section of their wall? If you don’t get the joke yet, click over to […]

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Kaleidescape Responds to Recent Court Rulings, Will Continue Undeterred

This has been a rough week for Real Networks and Kaleidescape which had each of their respective court rulings surrounding their DVD copying technologies go against them. Kaleidescape has responded officially to the court’s decision, and no surprise here–they’re not giving up and will continue the appeals process. In the meantime you will still be able to purchases systems from […]

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