Blockbuster OnDemand en route to Samsung HDTVs, Blu-ray players, and home theater systems

I’m not sure how many people actually use Blockbuster over Netflix (why??), but if you do this news will make you happy. Then again, integration into TV’s and other devices can only help adoption. Engadget The company announced that it’s integrating its OnDemand service into Samsung HDTVs, home theater systems, and Blu-ray players starting Fall 2009. Better still, those with […]

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AverTV Combo G2 Tuner Review


If you need a combo digital/analog tuner, looks like this is a fair option. Good price, pretty good quality, and it covers most of your tuning needs. Of course, if you have no need for analog, there are less pricey options to go with. The Digital Media Zone In comparing both HD and SD recordings from my Asus My Cinema […]

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Quick and Easy Home Theater Enhancements

This is a pretty quick read that I thought had some good ideas for tweaking your Home Theater.  I always like articles like this that help you get the most out of your investment. 2) Invest in a receiver with an auto calibration mode. These modes in receivers can do wonders for the audio in your room. Some use a […]

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What Boxee Can Learn From TiVo

Some interesting thoughts from the writer about the various directions Boxee can go, and some ways (with the devil) they should avoid. I think Boxee has a strategy in mind to profitability and look forward to seeing it develop. Business Insider So Boxee could — and should — be the broadband software that makes this possible. They could be the […]

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Intel DG41MJ: Affordable 775 Mini-ITX


Mini-ITX is just all the rage these days, so Intel sought it fit to release a new offering in the sub-$100 price range. This one offers less than the slightly more costly DG45FC board, but still has solid performance. A PCI slot though? Really??!?   SilentPCReview Our DG41MJ-based system was fairly energy efficient, idling at 35W and using up to […]

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5 Leading A/V Receivers


Let me preface this article by saying just because an item is a preferred receiver for an installer, does NOT make it the greatest so buyer beware and everyone should do their own research. In looking at their list though, they have some high end ones…the Denon 3808 is one of my favorites. For what it’s worth, Onkyo also makes […]

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Philips Pronto TSU9300 Remote


Have to love a company that can release a "lower-end" version of a remote and it’s still $800! Still an impressive item I’m sure, but not sure I could swallow that much for a remote.  CEpro The 9300 comes with a charging cradle for its lithium-polymer battery. It features a 2.8-inch color LCD screen and a series of buttons, including […]

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Battle of the Media Center Movie Managers


Movies are the pride of many a home theater PC user. While your friends may have a wall of movies, nobody can argue with the convenience of locally (or network) stored movies, being able to view information, filter and display them all within Media Center, and play them from a single remote without ever having to leave the sofa. It’s […]

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10 quick hacks to extend Windows Media Center

Ian has a compilation of Media Center hacks all rolled into one for your convenience over at TechRadar. There not all hacks, some of them are product recommendations for unique things like if you don’t have a TV tuner, or how to use with an iPhone. TheDigitalLifestyle f you store ripped DVDs on your PC you can enable Media Center […]

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