TiVo Plays a Trump Card: Web Smarts

I love it when the NY Times finds worthy the subject of DVRs, as there's a lot of mainstream people that still don't know very much. Here David Pogue covers some of TiVo's new features, mainly its tighter integration with web services and offerings. NY Times  The much-hyped Apple TV is a set-top box that brings your computer's music, photos […]

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Redraw Winner!

LehighBri has won the redraw! Lets give LehighBri a round of applause for winning the redraw! As before, you have 72 hours to claim your prize. :). The next drawing for the HDHomeRun will be on April 14th :). Cheers! Al

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So Ummm Where Is The News?

I apologize for the lack of news today. I would like to say it will be a one time deal but it likely won't. I am in the process of moving across country and will only have sporadic internet access. We won't be devoid of content during this time. We have a few articles upcoming and of course the guys […]

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Netgear’s Answer to AppleTV Reviewed

4 out of 5 stars…for an extender which costs $400? Really? I'm skeptical, but like to see some competition coming out at the same time as AppleTV so people can see what they're really missing behind the Apple media hoopla. Laptop Mag Most videos, music, and photos played perfectly fine over our home network, even though the EVA8000 does not […]

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Sony Introduces 720p Projectors for About $1,000

A 720p Projector from Sony of all manufacturers, for less than $1000? I don't know much about projectors, but this seems pretty sweet, and then the ability for you to have as large a screen as possible. So use the $1000 price to convince the wife, and then hope she ignores the $20,000 it'll cost to build the rest of […]

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