Simple.Tv and Tablo – Showdown of Free Over the Air TV DVRs

Tablo vs Simple.TV

Utilizing over the Air (OTA) broadcast television has been growing in popularity recently as the move towards “cord cutting” and lowering utility bills has increased in importance. For Home Theater PC (HTPC) users, the options were always plentiful and simple—toss an ATSC or SiliconDust networked tuner card into your computer, connect it to an antenna, and voila—free high definition television. […]

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Simple.TV Now Shipping


The Simple.TV was undoubtedly one of the more intriguing DVR devices to be announced this year. It may have taken awhile, but the Simple.TV is now shipping. Kickstarter pre-orders are receiving the first units, with standard pre-orders coming up next. Like Aereo and the now official Boxee TV, Simple.TV provides DVR capablilites for over-the-air broadcasts and ClearQAM cable channels, with […]

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The Simple.TV Aims to be the DVR for Every Device


We’ve seen a number of different whole home DVR systems at CES so far, but most of them are similar to the DISH Hopper with a central multi-tuner DVR that feeds live and recorded TV to smaller extender units. The Simple.TV is intended to provide a whole world DVR system, turning any device into an extender unit. The Simple.TV asks […]

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